DSA | Portfolio Details
SRM DSA Academics
What is this blog / page about?
This page will be listing down all the necessary details required for the portfolio creation for the subject of DSA subject.
- GitHub Link: HarshPatel5940
- LinkedIn Link: HarshPatel5940
Personal Projects
Discord Helper Bot - Link 🔗
A Custom Utility Discord Bot made using Discord.js and TypeScript. We made use of wokcommands as a command handler.
EzMs-Backend - Link 🔗
Robust Backend for an Content Management System made using NestJs and TypeScript. We made use of PostgresSQL as a database.
PPS Project Link 🔗 - A simple snake game using tkinter
Future Planned Projects
- Chatminal - A Terminal Based Chat Application made using golang.
- Maestro - A Discord Client wrapper in golang which make managing commands easier.
Other Related Info
- Participated in multiple hackathons like OSSomeHacks, Smart India Hackathon (SIH), SRM internal hackathon, etc.
- Building KzCMS which is an open Content Management System aimed to build use internally in srmKzilla.
- Contributed in a couple of open source projects.
Semester Wise GPA - ( CGPA: 8.89 )
Sem | GPA |
1 | 8.78 |
2 | 9.01 |